During this section of flourishing, we reflected and learned about the average college student life. College is a big transition for everyone as new opportunities and circumstances show themselves. With a new life of living alone new habits form as well as new ways of thinking. As I have now become accustomed to being a college student, there are certain strengths and weaknesses that I have become aware of.
Living without parents and have teachers that do not track me down anymore, I have learned that discipline is huge. Being discipline is one of the hardest things to do as a college student and even harder as a student athlete. I think being discipline for the most part is a strength of mine because I get my stuff done, but I am inconsistent. College is a grind between sports and school so getting into a habit of getting sleep, getting homework done, and getting to every practice is extremely important. If I can get consistent with these habits then I will be able to flourish. The problem is that I often do things at the last second and get behind. Once I am behind in one thing, everything else is effected. If I can start to minimize the times when I get behind, the stress that comes with college would not be as bad.